Uncovering energy performance with
data-driven assessments
in socially rented
flats in Wales.
Uncovering energy performance with
data-driven assessments
in socially rented
flats in Wales.
Uncovering energy performance with
data-driven assessments
in socially rented
flats in Wales.
We put Senze to the test in two socially rented flats owned by the Wales & West Housing Association.
We put Senze to the test in two socially rented flats owned by the Wales & West Housing Association.

Wales & West
Wales & West
Wales & West
Wales & West
Wales & West
Meet Wales
& West
Meet Wales
& West
Meet Wales & West
For social landlords like Wales & West, accurately measuring the energy performance of properties is crucial. By adopting a data driven method for evaluating retrofits, Senze was able to predict the impacts of those interventions and demonstrate where resources should be best focused.
For social landlords like Wales & West, accurately measuring the energy performance of properties is crucial. By adopting a data driven method for evaluating retrofits, Senze was able to predict the impacts of those interventions and demonstrate where resources should be best focused.


Executive Summary
Executive Summary
We measured two socially rented flats in Aberystwyth for energy performance.
We measured two socially rented flats in Aberystwyth for energy performance.
We measured two socially rented flats in Aberystwyth for energy performance.
We measured two socially rented flats in Aberystwyth for energy performance.
By using Senze, Wales & West discovered that accurate measurements can significantly reduce costs, optimise resource allocation and minimise risks. This streamlined and scalable retrofit evaluation process ensures that they have a full understanding of both current and future environmental performance of their portfolio, in order to maximise sustainable impacts.
By using Senze, Wales & West discovered that accurate measurements can significantly reduce costs, optimise resource allocation and minimise risks. This streamlined and scalable retrofit evaluation process ensures that they have a full understanding of both current and future environmental performance of their portfolio, in order to maximise sustainable impacts.
By using Senze, Wales & West discovered that accurate measurements can significantly reduce costs, optimise resource allocation and minimise risks. This streamlined and scalable retrofit evaluation process ensures that they have a full understanding of both current and future environmental performance of their portfolio, in order to maximise sustainable impacts.

Key Findings
Key Findings
Key Findings
With Senze, Wales and West were able to instantly compare their estimated and real energy performance with just one click.
With Senze, Wales and West were able to instantly compare their estimated and real energy performance with just one click.
With Senze, Wales and West were able to instantly compare their estimated and real energy performance with just one click.

Senze Actual Performance Vs
EPC Predictions
Senze Actual Performance Vs
EPC Predictions
Senze Actual Performance Vs
EPC Predictions
Senze Actual Performance Vs EPC Predictions
We compared the measured thermal efficiency of the two properties to the predictions from their EPC assessments. This benchmarking activity offers a clear view of how the flats are performing in reality versus their design expectations. Establishing an accurate thermal baseline is crucial for implementing an effective retrofit.
We compared the measured thermal efficiency of the two properties to the predictions from their EPC assessments. This benchmarking activity offers a clear view of how the flats are performing in reality versus their design expectations. Establishing an accurate thermal baseline is crucial for implementing an effective retrofit.
We compared the measured thermal efficiency of the two properties to the predictions from their EPC assessments. This benchmarking activity offers a clear view of how the flats are performing in reality versus their design expectations. Establishing an accurate thermal baseline is crucial for implementing an effective retrofit.

better than EPC prediction
better than EPC prediction
better than EPC prediction
better than EPC prediction
Predicted EPC Thermal Efficiency
0 W/K m2
5 W/K m2
Predicted EPC Thermal Efficiency
0 W/K m2
5 W/K m2
Predicted EPC Thermal Efficiency
0 W/K m2
5 W/K m2
Predicted EPC Thermal Efficiency
0 W/K m2
5 W/K m2
Senze Measured Thermal Efficiency
0 W/K m2
5 W/K m2
Senze Measured Thermal Efficiency
0 W/K m2
5 W/K m2
Senze Measured Thermal Efficiency
0 W/K m2
5 W/K m2
Senze Measured Thermal Efficiency
0 W/K m2
5 W/K m2
Plas Newydd
Plas Newydd
better than design prediction
better than design prediction
better than design prediction
better than design prediction
Predicted EPC Thermal Efficiency
0 W/K m2
5 W/K m2
Predicted EPC Thermal Efficiency
0 W/K m2
5 W/K m2
Predicted EPC Thermal Efficiency
0 W/K m2
5 W/K m2
Predicted EPC Thermal Efficiency
0 W/K m2
5 W/K m2
Senze Measured Thermal Efficiency
0 W/K m2
5 W/K m2
Senze Measured Thermal Efficiency
0 W/K m2
5 W/K m2
Senze Measured Thermal Efficiency
0 W/K m2
5 W/K m2
Senze Measured Thermal Efficiency
0 W/K m2
5 W/K m2
Traditional Paper-Based Method
Traditional Paper-Based Method
Insulation upgrade to external walls and ceiling
Insulation upgrade to external walls and ceiling
Heat Loss
Heat Loss
Heat Loss
No insulation required.
No insulation required.
No insulation required.
Replace existing heating system.
Replace existing heating system.
Keep existing heating system and optimise with smart controls.
Keep existing heating system and optimise with smart controls.
No ventilation strategy required.
No ventilation strategy required.
No ventilation strategy required.
High humidity detected; ventilation strategy required.
High humidity detected; ventilation strategy required.
High humidity detected; ventilation strategy required.
Prioritise wall and ceiling insulation and heating replacement
Prioritise wall and ceiling insulation and heating replacement
Prioritise wall and ceiling insulation and heating replacement
Prioritise Solar PV, Battery Storage, and Smart Heating Controls.
Prioritise Solar PV, Battery Storage, and Smart Heating Controls.
Prioritise Solar PV, Battery Storage, and Smart Heating Controls.
Plas Newydd
Plas Newydd
Plas Newydd
Insulation upgrade to external walls and ceiling
Insulation upgrade to external walls and ceiling
Insulation upgrade to external walls and ceiling
Heat Loss
Heat Loss
Heat Loss
INSULATION upgrade to ground floor.
INSULATION upgrade to ground floor.
Replace existing heating system for new.
Replace existing heating system for new.
Replace existing heating system for new.
Keep existing heating system and optimise with smart heating controls.
Keep existing heating system and optimise with smart heating controls.
Keep existing heating system and optimise with smart heating controls.
No ventilation strategy required.
No ventilation strategy required.
No ventilation strategy required.
High humidity detected; ventilation strategy required.
High humidity detected; ventilation strategy required.
High humidity detected; ventilation strategy required.
Prioritise wall insulation and heating replacement
Prioritise wall insulation and heating replacement
Prioritise wall insulation and heating replacement
Prioritise floor insulation, Solar PV, Battery Storage, and Smart Heating Controls.
Prioritise floor insulation, Solar PV, Battery Storage, and Smart Heating Controls.
Prioritise floor insulation, Solar PV, Battery Storage, and Smart Heating Controls.
Benefits & outcomes for Wales and Wates.
Benefits & outcomes for Wales and Wates.
We estimated the potential savings Wales and West could achieve by using live data and digital twins for retrofit assessments.
We estimated the potential savings Wales and West could achieve by using live data and digital twins for retrofit assessments.

Retrofit budget required
This calculation compares the proposed spend for the two flats with the potential savings if Senze's recommendations are implemented.
Funds allocated
for retrofit
£15,000 upfront

Retrofit budget required
This calculation compares the proposed spend for the two flats with the potential savings if Senze's recommendations are implemented.
Funds allocated
for retrofit
£15,000 upfront

Retrofit budget required
This calculation compares the proposed spend for the two flats with the potential savings if Senze's recommendations are implemented.
Funds allocated
for retrofit
£15,000 upfront

Retrofit budget required
This calculation compares the proposed spend for the two flats with the potential savings if Senze's recommendations are implemented.
Funds allocated
for retrofit
£15,000 upfront

Carbon Saving
This calculation is based on the operational carbon savings for the two flats over a 25 year period and includes considerations for embodied carbon
2.8 tonnes
13 tonnes

Carbon Saving
This calculation is based on the operational carbon savings for the two flats over a 25 year period and includes considerations for embodied carbon
2.8 tonnes
13 tonnes

Carbon Saving
This calculation is based on the operational carbon savings for the two flats over a 25 year period and includes considerations for embodied carbon
2.8 tonnes
13 tonnes

Carbon Saving
This calculation is based on the operational carbon savings for the two flats over a 25 year period and includes considerations for embodied carbon
2.8 tonnes
13 tonnes

Time Savings
We compared the person-hours spent evaluating two properties using traditional methods versus Senze's data-driven approach.
20 hours required to analyse property
2 hours required to analyse property

Time Savings
We compared the person-hours spent evaluating two properties using traditional methods versus Senze's data-driven approach.
20 hours required to analyse property
2 hours required to analyse property

Time Savings
We compared the person-hours spent evaluating two properties using traditional methods versus Senze's data-driven approach.
20 hours required to analyse property
2 hours required to analyse property

Time Savings
We compared the person-hours spent evaluating two properties using traditional methods versus Senze's data-driven approach.
20 hours required to analyse property
2 hours required to analyse property

Energy Saving
We compared the combined fuel cost savings for residents of the two flats when applying standard measures versus following Senze's suggestions
£246 per year
£728 per year

Energy Saving
We compared the combined fuel cost savings for residents of the two flats when applying standard measures versus following Senze's suggestions
£246 per year
£728 per year

Energy Saving
We compared the combined fuel cost savings for residents of the two flats when applying standard measures versus following Senze's suggestions
£246 per year
£728 per year

Energy Saving
We compared the combined fuel cost savings for residents of the two flats when applying standard measures versus following Senze's suggestions
£246 per year
£728 per year
So, how much could
you save?
So, how much could
you save?
So, how much could
you save?
So, how much could
you save?

The economic, carbon, energy and resource savings that have been achieved through applying Senze to Wales & West’s properties are being combined with similar case studies across a wide range of property typologies and locations, in order to ascertain the enormous positive impact that this methodology could unlock when applied at scale across the UK’s vast under-performing housing stock.
The economic, carbon, energy and resource savings that have been achieved through applying Senze to Wales & West’s properties are being combined with similar case studies across a wide range of property typologies and locations, in order to ascertain the enormous positive impact that this methodology could unlock when applied at scale across the UK’s vast under-performing housing stock.
It just makes Senze
It just makes Senze
It just makes Senze
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